Eurotrans Ltd, Company registered in UK no 6873444, UK Vat no 985743857
Office & Storage: Unit 17, Taylors, Gravel Lane, Chigwell, Greater London, Essex, IG7 6DQ
Removals domestic and commercial, exhibitions set up, overnight deliveries, ebay or furniture deliveries anywhere in Berlin, Postdam anywhere around, collection of antiques with crating and packing with worldwide shipping by air or sea, any enquires welcome.
Man with van between London and Berlin, for domestic removals, from part or back loads to more elaborate moves, full paacking or unpacking , hoist or external services, antiques collections also ebay or online or internet shopping dleiveries from Uk to anywhere in Germany.
If you are a business company or a private individual looking for a partner to help you with storage, removals hoits distribution or reception of your goods in London or in UK, feel free to contact us.
Eurotrans Ltd, Company registered in UK no 6873444, UK Vat no 985743857
Office & Storage: Unit 17, Taylors, Gravel Lane, Chigwell, Greater London, Essex, IG7 6DQ